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If your answer isn't here, let me know!

Where does Polly live?

Minneapolis, MN.

What breed is Polly?

She is a Petite English Goldendoodle. Petite is the smallest size Goldendoodle - one level smaller than a Mini. She is English because the Golden Retriever in Polly is English Golden Retriever.

What color is she?


What generation (F1, F2, etc.) is she?

She is a Multigen Goldendoodle, which means that both of her parents are Goldendoodles. For more information about different types of Goldendoodles, Google is your friend. Otherwise, I always recommend asking a trusted breeder for detailed info about this.

When was she born?

May 30, 2018.

How big will Polly be full grown?

Right now, I'd guess that she is about 14 pounds. She was estimated to be mid to high teens fully grown, but we think she will be on the smaller end of that spectrum. We are guessing she won't get any taller but might get a couple pounds heavier as she grows up. TBD!

What is her fur like?

Her adult coat is wavy, but not very curly. She does not shed at all and never did as a puppy either. Some dogs get lighter in color as they get older but Polly's fur hasn't changed color at all yet. We will see if it does as she gets older!

How often do you groom her?

We try to brush her every other day to avoid matting. We try to brush her teeth every other day as well, but also supplement with bones, treats and toys that promote dental health. We bathe her every 2-3 weeks, but wipe down her eyes, beard, paws, and privates as needed in between. We take her to get a full groom and haircut at the Groomer every other month.

What breeder is she from?

Springview Mini Goldendoodles. They are near Orlando, FL. They are one of the best at what they do and I loved going through the process of getting my first puppy with them. I highly recommend Springview! 

Who are her doggy parents from Springview?

Luca and Piper.

How do you get a puppy from Springview if you don't live near Florida?

Lisa, the owner of Springview, does not allow puppies to be shipped so you will have to fly or drive to go pick them up. I flew from Minnesota to go get Polly!

How do you fly with Polly?

You have to check with the individual airline, but most airlines allow dogs under 20 pounds to fly with you. You bring them in a travel carrier and put them under your seat as a carry on. But a lot of times they will let you hold them in your lap, too. Most airlines are about $200 round trip per dog. If your dog is an Emotional Support Animal, it is free to travel with them. Make sure you call the airline ahead of time to let them know you will be traveling with a dog.

How did you get Polly to be an Emotional Support Animal?

I got a letter from my doctor. I just bring it with me for traveling or any time I might need it. A doctor's letter is the only way to get an ESA, everything else, including registering online for a fee, is a scam.

What are your favorite products that you recommend?

Check out our Amazon shop here! I've put a lot of our favorite products that we use in one place so you can check them out and try the ones you like. They are not sponsored ads but they are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. Thanks so much for reading and for your support!

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